Time is an illusion of measurement.

Imaginary and infinite.

Read some stories, and maybe linger around a bit in The Gallery.


Read Some Stuff

Silly, serious, supernatural… these are some of the yarns spun over in the Stories section. .

Haikus, superfluous musings, and philosophical ponderings over in Poems.

Learning through experience over in the Blog.


Some Extra Stuff

Come for the stories, but stay for the extras.

Pop over to the Gallery for some photos and paintings. Paintings are available for purchase.

Contact info available in Bio.

Thanks for stopping by!


Dog Thumbs;

A Fantastic Wish

Check out the story of Charlie and Chunk and make some pictures with your kids! Dog Thumbs; A Fantastic Wish is a children’s story made for you and your little ones to draw what you imagine. This is a fun, hands-on activity, and will provide enjoyment in the future when you revisit the story with your custom illustrations.

Click the “Download PDF” link to get your copy and start the fun today!

A text-only version is available to read in the Stories section.


Life is short.